Warmachine Team Canada IndieGogo Campaign

I haven’t much reason to mention the Olympics this year but there is a Nerdy Team Canada (with an Edmonton component) that needs your support (especially if you like Warmachine!).

Click here for the full details and perks for supporting them!

“My name is Nathan Bosa, and I am the  Chief Fundraiser of the Canadian WTC 2016

The WTC or “World Team Championship of Warmachine / Hordes” is an international event where teams of five players representing their nation match up against other teams of five players over 6+ rounds of intense games of Warmachine and Hordes to determine the World Team Champions!

This year, the WTC will be played out in Holland, with 64 teams from 31 countries  attending.  The WTC 2015 event, which was hosted in Ireland, had 50 teams coming from 27 different countries! Canada sent two teams and we placed a respectable 13th and 19th, which was higher than  our first appearance!

This event is an incredible chance for Canadians to meet with players from

of the world they would never have the chance to see otherwise!

The members of Team Canada were chosen to attend  by a council of their peers via a detailed and carefully considered process to ensure that not only is Canada sending our best players to the event but the best ambassadors of our country.

During the selection process Canadian Players are required to commit to paying their own travel costs, accommodation and food for the event. This can be a barrier for many players as the average total cost for is around $2000 per person!

Last year, Canada’s warmachine community raised approximately $8000 for our team through a variety of fundraising events and an Indiegogo campaign.  This was quite successful, and we have returned to it again to bring some  new and fantastic items.

This year, we have chosen to use Indiegogo again,  to help reach out to the Canadian and international Wargaming Community to help reach our goal to raise $10,000 after costs.

We have worked with a variety of partners both Canadian and International, to provide some great perks for supporting the Canadian Team for the Championship in Holland 2016!”


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